A few weeks ago saw the opening of an exhibition by the NLA, showcasing various ideas on how to tackle London’s housing problem. My collaborator, Cam Jarvis, and I were shortlisted from a group of international submissions to be one of the winning entires for this competition. The exhibition is on until December 15, 2015 at NLA’s offices on Store Street, London (just near Tottenham Court Road Station). Well worth a visit, many ideas are explored from co-habiting, making use of existing spaces and infrastructure, to changes in planning strategies.
A brief summary of our submission is below :
Building Blocks
A strategy for new housing developments
By Catherine White and Cam Jarvis
London Housing Targets see large blocks of homes being planned systematically, not growing organically. This can result in a lack of sense of community, which people so often crave. Our scheme breaks down new developments into blocks, bringing neighbours together to create Resident Housing Groups (RHG).
Like community land trusts, these RHGs will allow residents to take ownership of the procurement of services and the creation of communal spaces, creating a sense of pride in their homes and neighbourhoods. We hope that we can plant the seeds of thriving communities, resulting in developments that will last.
New Developments can often lack a sense of community. This strategy tries to encourage a dynamic between neighbours.
Showing the phased new-build scenario which seeds a new development with groups of first time buyers, and increases prices and changes the house typology throughout the various phases of the development.
Diagram illustrating incorporating the new Residential Housing Group scenario within an existing development.