Catherine White Interiors | Hockney at the Royal Academy: A Bigger Picture - Catherine White Interiors

Not many pictures for this one… for the simple reason,  you must see it.  

I love going to retrospectives, because you really get to grips with why an artist does what they do. 

I didn’t know much about Hockney.  I’m not sure why, as I went to art school here in London, but anyhow, it was all pretty new to me.

I loved the acidic colours he used in his landscapes. They reminded me that those colours do exist in nature, we just have to look for them.  When the sun is so bright the trees glow, and the shadows are deep purple.

The more abstract paintings he did, were from memory.  It was a fantastic way to show how your memory can distort things, or just let the most important things come through.

I really enjoyed the photo montages he did of the Grand Canyon back in the 80s.  Stunning.

There were also loads of iPad “paintings” and also, some of his video work, which I found especially interesting, as they were shot on a grid of cameras.  It’s great to see how someone in their 70’s has embraced new technologies, and pushing boundaries we didn’t even know existed.  Pretty inspirational

So, no pics, go see it yourself, you won’t regret it. 



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