Catherine White Interiors | A Strong Sweet Smell of Incense - Catherine White Interiors

I popped along to the Pace Gallery Last night for an event they were hosting alongside Taschen, who did the catalogue for the show, “A Strong Sweet Smell of Incense”.  A “portrait” of Art Trader Robert Fraser, curated by his good friend Brian Clarke, who conversely was curated by Robert Fraser in the 80’s.  Below are some selected shots of the show.  Best get along quickly!  Finishes up on the 1st of April ’15.  Kind of like an all-star hits of the Pop-Art scene.  A rare show.

Richard Hamilton, Swingeing London 67 (a)

Richard Hamilton, Swingeing London 67 (a)

Bridget Riley, Untitled (Fragment 2), 1965

Bridget Riley, Untitled (Fragment 2), 1965


Brian Clarke, Marks On a White Background, 1980

Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait (pink) 1964

Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait (pink) 1964


A selection of Art works and Fraser’s Paraphernalia, including letters and books.

Pace Gallery

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