I went to the Damien Hirst exhibition at the Tate Modern a few weeks ago…. not sure what to say! I guess I should have expected what it was, and it did feel very commercial, but it left me feeling a bit cold. Or maybe shell shocked.
I loved the butterfly room (YAY, alive and flying! Not good for you if you get freaked out by winged beauties flying at you, FYI), and the spinning colour paintings, but other than that, I just felt very un-engaged. Towards the end, it all got more and more commercial. Stunning pieces, using dead insects (flies and butterflies) but I suppose it was just very overwhelming.
Usually I love retrospectives, but I didn’t feel like I had that “aha, that’s what it’s all about” moment. Mind you, I’m not a Art Critic.
There was also the skull covered in diamonds in the Turbine Hall. Conversely, his most expensive work, you don’t have to pay to see.