Long a fan of Melanie Eddy’s work, I was lucky enough to go and see her new studio space at the recently constructed Goldsmiths’ Centre (by John Lyall) on Britton Street in Clerkenwell.
Also being a Bermudian, it’s great to see a fellow country woman doing well in design in London town.
A few pics of her lovely pieces. If anyone is wondering, I’d love some of the gold earrings, and a silver necklace!
The Goldsmith’s Centre is the Goldsmiths’ Company’s largest-ever investment in the future of the the industry and in the continuing success of those who work in precious metals.
The studio spaces are leased out with the remit that the tenants will help train the next generation of craftspeople.
They’ve got a gorgeous cafe, and put on exhibitions and events. Great to have a new venue in London!