Catherine White Interiors | Hunter Gatherer - Catherine White Interiors

If you don’t have much to do..  or if you fancy a wander, you might want to take part in Faberge’s Easter Egg hunt.  You text in the code on the egg, and if you find all 200, you might be in with a chance to win one of Faberge’s real eggs!   All proceeds go to charity, and judging by the website, it looks like if nothing else, they will make loads from the auction.   British Sculptor Marc Quinn, of “Alison Lapper Pregnant” fame, which was displayed on the Fourth Plinth at Trafalgar Square, has made one which is up for grabs!

Personally, I don’t have the time or patience, but it’s been nice coming across the odd one or two, as I’m dashing between meetings!

My favourite’s the corten steel one in …. I’ll let you figure out where it is!

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